Dezignaré Interior Design Collective, Inc.

Creating a Caregiver Suite
Improves Quality of Life

(ARA) - More than 50 million people provide care for a family member or friend during any given year, according to recent statistic. By 2030, nearly 150 million Americans will have some type of chronic illness.
With these numbers in mind, it makes sense to consider the possibility that you may one day be asked to provide -- or may require -- in-home care, and to think about how those needs will impact your living space.

Designer Stephen Saint-Onge, working with Philips and the National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA), has put his style expertise to work to create a functional and comfortable living space that integrates needed healthcare technology solutions into home décor. Based on input from the nation’s leading in-home care resources, he set out to provide tips to help families create an oasis of safety and comfort for their loved ones.

“The thought of creating a comfortable, functional and barrier-free environment in your home may seem overwhelming at first, but it doesn’t have to be,” says Saint-Onge. “And you don’t have to sacrifice all your style for safety and function.”

To see the caregiver suite makeover, consumers can visit Here are some tips from Saint-Onge and NFCA on setting up a caregiver suite in your home.

* Personal touches -- If a loved one is coming to live with you, nothing can make him or her feel more at home than adding a personal touch to the space. Creating a decorative “memory wall” within the caregiver suite will allow your family member to have a unique place to reminisce about many of the special memories and moments from his or her lifetime. It also provides a sanctuary for many personal belongings like select heirloom pieces, artwork and portraits.

* Lighting -- Proper lighting can help make the caregiver suite inviting, as well as provide the necessary lighting for family members to read, knit or enjoy watching television. Nightlights can be especially important tot an older person who is in a new place. Adequate illumination in the bedroom and the bath room can help prevent slips and falls in the caregiver suite and ultimately help foster your loved one’s continued independence.

* Paint -- Paint color plays a major role in creating a warm, inviting space. For example, cool colors such as blues and greens promote relaxation while warm colors like yellow stimulate activity.

* Doorways -- Wider doorways and hallways can better accommodate assisted walking if needed, making it easier for loved ones to transition in and out of rooms and easily as possible. Additionally, lever handle doorknobs make it easier for loved ones to open and close doors themselves.

* Accessibility -- From shower seats to railings, there are a wide variety of living aids that help caregivers provide resources to their family members that allow them more mobility and freedom. For example, railings can increase your loved one’s feeling of independence, safety and privacy in the bathroom.

* Safety -- One of the latest advancements in home safety equipment is the Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator. It is designed so that virtually anyone can help save the life of a person who suffers the most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Nearly 80 percent of all SCAs occur at home. For the majority of victims, SCA strikes without warning, as they have no previously recognized symptoms of heart disease.

“With small changes throughout your home and within the caregiver suite, you can create a warm and inviting environment for your loved ones that features both style and function for years to come,” says Saint-Onge. For more ideas and tips, visit For more information regarding caregiver renovation standards and resources, visit

Courtesy of ARA Content


Dezignaré Interior Design Collective, Inc.

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