Dezignare Interior Design CollectiveVol. 4.6

Energy On, Energy Off: Conserving a Lifestyle

From the West Coast to the East Coast demands for energy within North America are increasing and methods for meeting these increases are certainly debatable. Having been raised in an environment where energy was considered in limitless supply, the reality that it may not always be available at an affordable price presents itself.

To sustain our existence on this earth, as we know it, we will "all" need to make a contribution individually and collectively as a society to reduce our consumption of energy wherever possible.

Listed below are many energy-savings tips to consider.

1. Turn off everything not in use.
2. Shift energy-intensive tasks to off-peak hours, nights or weekends.
3. Seal buildings against air leakage with weather-stripping.
4. Increase insulation in walls and attics to appropriate levels.
5. Insulate foundations when possible.
6. Install high-performance insulated doors and double-paned windows.
7. Install UV window film or screens, especially on southern exposures.
8. Use timers on lights and motion detector lighting on building exteriors and landscapes to provide lighting only when needed.
9. Activate sleep features on computers and other office equipment.
10. Maintain air conditioning equipment with a professional tune-up.
11. Utilize water conserving appliances and plumbing fixtures.
12. Install programmable thermostats on air conditioning systems.
13. Set thermostats to the highest comfort level possible.
14. Replace old appliances with Energy Star rated energy-efficient models.
15. Turn down water heater thermostat settings.
16. Clean and replace air conditioning filters on a monthly basis.
17. Clean refrigerator coils regularly.
18. Close doors and vents to rooms not in use.
19. Replace existing light bulbs with more energy-efficient bulbs.
20. Use candles.
21. Plant native plants and place tall shrubs or trees near buildings for shade.
22. Install passive solar panels to capture "free" energy thereby reducing utility bills.
23. Consider installing wind generators, when feasible, and earn money for excess energy created.

Considering the losses in productivity, wages, and security, along with lifestyle compromises necessary when power is not available, individuals and corporations must contribute and consider ways to become more self-sufficient.

For most of us it is not possible to become totally independent of the energy grid, therefore, we will need to conserve on a personal and business level in as many ways as possible. Many organizations are working to inform the public of ways to reduce our energy usage.

Nobody wants to be left in the dark!

Additional resources:

- International Dark-Sky Association
- National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) New York State - Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)
- Alliance to Save Energy -- Energy Efficiency Information for Consumers 
- United States Department of Energy
- United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Dezignaré Interior Design Collective, Inc.

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Dezignare Interior Design Collective