Dezignaré Interior Design Collective, Inc.

To Remodel or Not To Remodel:
The Age-old Question

The First Step

Remodeling, refurbishing or restoring your existing residence may be exactly what the doctor ordered. Do the spaces you live in and your lifestyle mesh? Perhaps you have considered adding a home office or you need more space to accommodate a growing family. Then again, you may have ample space, but finishes throughout look tired and worn. And, there are so many "vanilla" houses, lacking sparkle and personality. Whatever your motivations, when considering whether to remodel or not remodel, hiring a professional interior designer can be the most important step you take.

Contractors, Architects and Interior Designers

Many people will go directly to a builder or contractor, to obtain pricing and ideas. But, consider are not trained to help you make interior design decisions. They are experts in building the designs designers create. This is not to say they don't have ideas, but will they be the correct ones? Utilizing architects is often necessary. Will they be interested in helping you through the whole process through to completion. There will be stucco treatments to consider, molding and trim details, paint selections, wallpaper or faux finishes to think about, flooring, plumbing and lighting decisions on through to determining drapery treatments, furnishings and accessories. Architects are often very busy, more expensive and not as interested in spending time on all the interior details you wish to consider in your newly created space.

Current Market Trends

Even if it is only for a few hours, consulting with a professional interior designer will help clarify many issues and speed up the process. The fee you might pay for a few hours of an expert's opinion will serve you handsomely in the long run. Professionals will help you decide which areas are the most important to consider. What are the most cost-effective, highest-impact changes to make? So often, a professional will see things you do not see, because, of course, this is what they are trained to do. They are also more focused, objective and function oriented. Each and every day they are immersed in the world of design, visiting showrooms throughout the world, traveling, in and out of client's homes and offices, and experiencing the finest of what is available within the marketplace. They can walk into your home, and within a few hours give you hundreds of valuable ideas to contemplate before you invest in a remodeling project. And, you will be better able to proceed with confidence, knowing you are making the right decisions.

Property Values

Examining your location, existing property values, and potential expenditures are essential. Often homeowners, if they have not attempted a project of this nature in many years, will experience sticker shock. Designers can discuss current prices to consider, based on their experience within the market, and help determine which amenities would be the best to add. It can be helpful to tour other homes on the market in your neighborhood, as well as other areas in town for comparisons. Does your home offer similar amenities? If you have owned your home for many years and attained substantial equity, you may be able to improve your surroundings without exceeding the current market value.

The Right Choices

Whether you live in a small home or a huge mansion, an interior designer will help you with interior selections appropriate to your lifestyle and price range. You can always spend more, but you can also spend less. Which investments reap the greatest rewards? Will you be able to get your money back out of the property when it sells? Bathrooms and kitchens are great areas to consider remodeling. These areas tend to date a home more than any other, but they are generally the most expensive areas to revamp. Family rooms and large master bedrooms and baths are often good choices. Everything is bigger than in years past including closets. But, you might be surprised with what a designer offers in terms of design options. And, if you go through the inconvenience of a remodeling project, there may be other areas throughout the house, needing only small improvements, which would be inexpensive to tackle while the workforce is present.

Quality Workmanship

It is best to obtain bids from a minimum of three contractors in your area. Examine their credentials, their references and ask to see samples of recent work. A general rule of thumb is to throw out the lowest and highest bids, and after researching the remaining companies, go with the firm you feel is capable of handling your project. A designer can often provide you with several recommendations of reputable firms or act in a supervisory position to handle the many details that will crop up. In the midst of a project, issues will emerge which need to be addressed and having a reliable source for answers will simplify the process and keep the project on target.

Delays and Frustration

Be prepared for inconveniences along the way. The disruption of having workmen in and out for weeks or months at a time can not be under-estimated, no matter how talented they are or how patient you might be. We are creatures of habit and it can be quite an experience to be displaced for any length of time. Permits, inspections, weather, material delays, and improper planning contribute to delays in a project. When hiring a contractor ask for an estimated completion date. Extend the timetable given to include another month or more, depending on the size of the project. You will then be mentally prepared for the inevitable. Unfortunately, remodeling often takes longer than initially expected.

Additional Work

Having a shell of a room is not what you are after. Projects are, many times, bid on a cost plus basis. Any increases in materials and labor reflected in the marketplace add to the cost of the project. Additional work orders implemented after the initial agreement increase the costs as well. Adding 10% to a contractors bid will help prevent shortages requiring cutbacks and provide flexibility for upgrades as you see fit.

Reap the Rewards

If you have ever been through a major remodeling project, you may never wish to go through one again, but it may be because you absolutely love the transformation and are thoroughly content with the results. Remodeling can take a ho-hum home and make it a place you enjoy day in and day out. After all, it is not so much a matter of what we have, but how we use what we have, that matters. If you love your home and your neighborhood, remodeling may just be the answer for you. And, your interior designer will be happy to help you create a space that works well and pleases you at every turn.

- Dezignaré


Dezignaré Interior Design Collective, Inc.

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